Kanematsu established a global supply chain in the motorcycle and utility vehicle markets around the world, where growth and multi-polarization continue to progress. We are taking action towards expansion of OEM business, in order to respond to the diversified needs of customers.
Moreover, we are collecting information on state-of-the-art technologies in the mobility field around the world, moving towards the construction of a business foundation in the future. As a part of this activity, we have entered into the telematics service business utilizing vehicle data.
Business Features
Wide range of expertise and global network

Kanematsu is expanding its OEM business for motorcycles, snowmobiles, utility vehicles, and general-purpose engines around the world. Based on the expertise cultivated till now, we are providing total solutions from the development concept stage and the startup of mass production to delivery.
Pursuit of state-of-the-art technology

In addition to the service business utilizing telematics and vehicle data, we are also expanding the next generation mobility business utilizing new materials, and the carbon recycling business.
Main products and services

Motorcycles and Utility Vehicles OEM Parts Business
Kanematsu has been suppling OEM parts for about 50 years to customers of major motorcycle and utility vehicle manufacturers around the world. In addition, we also provide development project support, parts sourcing utilizing our overseas network, and services for SCM construction and logistics, etc.

Data Business
Kanematsu is doing business where we install devices in vehicles of customers who are providing various distribution services to analyze vehicle behavior, collect data including sudden starts, sudden acceleration, and sudden turns, etc., analyze the data by unique technology, and is utilized to provide safe driving instruction to drivers. Moreover, we also promote the practical utilization of data for mapping of areas where frequent traffic accidents occur.

New Materials Business
Kanematsu has been actively investing in decarbonization, carbon recycling business and new materials, and business construction, in order to realize a sustainable society beyond the framework of a conventional mobility business.