Kanematsu acquires certification under ISCC PLUS, an international certification system for sustainable products



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 Kanematsu Corporation (hereinafter Kanematsu) is pleased to announce that it has acquired ISCC PLUS certification, one of the international certification systems for sustainable products.

 International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) is a certification scheme for products that are manufactured from materials, such as biomass and recycled materials, allocated using the mass balance method (*1). It guarantees that the certified product is both sustainable and traceable, and that appropriate management is conducted along the supply chain.

 The acquisition of ISCC PLUS certification will allow Kanematsu to handle ISCC-certified biofuels and biomaterials. In accordance with the latest ISCC regulations, Kanematsu will comply with ISCC PLUS requirements and will conduct appropriate management to ensure that products are not double-counted within the scope of other sustainability certification schemes or ISCC PLUS certification.

(※1)A method whereby when materials with different characteristics are mixed, a specific characteristic of one of those materials is allocated to part of the manufactured product according to the input volume of the material having that specific characteristic.

 The Kanematsu Group sets “Building a Sustainable Supply Chain” and “Decarbonization Initiatives” as key issues (Materiality). We will continue to conduct business activities with due consideration to maintaining a healthy global environment and work for the sustainable development of society.

Public Relation Section, Kanematsu Corporation Tel: +81-3-6747-5000  https://www.kanematsu.co.jp/en/inquiry/


*January 15, 2025 update: It is Kanematsu's Tokyo Head Office that acquired ISCC PLUS certification.
