Risk Management

The Kanematsu Group has established the following framework for managing risks by risk category. Specific risk countermeasures are disclosed in the notice of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and in the annual Securities Report (in Japanese).

Business Risk Categories, Definitions, and Departments Responsible

The Risk Management Guidelines categorize and define the Kanematsu Group’s business risks and specify the primary department responsible for the management of each. The designated departments regularly take steps to identify specific risks, understand the mechanisms of risk realization, frequency, and impact, formulate responses for when risks are realized, and gather information to detect signs of risks.
The Kanematsu Group has established an internal approval request system based on the Rules on Delegation of Authority for making judgments and decisions about business risks. The Project Deliberation Committee evaluates important investments and loans, including their execution, continuance, and withdrawal, based on the comprehensive examination of relevant risks, aiming to minimize the Group’s losses and promote sound business growth.

Category Subcategory Definition Department responsible
Market risk Commodity risk The risk of incurring losses on trading of commodities and other goods in Japan or overseas due to severe fluctuations in commodities markets or declining demand as a result of changes in market conditions, price reductions due to competition, obsolescence due to technological innovation, etc. Business Accounting Department
Exchange rate risk The risk of incurring losses on transactions denominated in foreign currencies due to exchange rate fluctuations Finance Department
Interest rate risk The risk of incurring losses due to interest rate fluctuations Finance Department
Investment risk
  • The risk of incurring losses in investment transactions of marketable securities due to stock market fluctuations, etc.
  • The risk of incurring losses due to inability to liquidate investments
Risk Management Department
Business investment risk
  • The risk of incurring losses due to fluctuations in the value of business investments made to further develop existing businesses or expand business areas attributable to market risks or investees’ financial condition or business success or failure
  • The risk of incurring losses due to inability to develop businesses as planned or withdraw because of local laws or relationships with partners, etc.
Corporate Planning Department
Credit risk  
Transactional credit risk
  • The risk of incurring losses due to late repayments or defaults on credit extended by the Group, such as accounts receivable, advance payments, loans, and guarantees, because of deterioration in the financial standing of trading partners, etc.
  • The risk of being forced to honor obligations and thereby incur a monetary loss due to a trade partner’s default on its obligation or contract in the course of forming and carrying out commodity supply agreements, subcontract agreements, or other agreements
Risk Management Department
Country risk The risk of incurring losses in overseas transactions, investments, and loans due to the suspension of foreign payments because of political and economic conditions in the relevant country, etc. Risk Management Department
Operational risk Legal risk The risk of incurring additional costs or other losses due to changes in laws and regulations or differences in the recognition or interpretation of contracts with business partners Legal and Compliance Department
Information security risk
  • The risk of negative effects on corporate activities due to information, either in tangible or intangible form, not being properly stored or preserved
  • The risk of incurring damages due to the leaking of confidential or personal information
IT Planning Department (General Affairs Department)
Environmental risk The risk of incurring business disadvantage due to being avoided by business partners or society as a result of actions that are detrimental to the environment General Affairs Department
Operation risk The risk of incurring losses due to designated business processes not being carried out or being overlooked despite having in place internal rules and regulations governing corporate activities Support divisions
Compliance risk The risk of incurring tangible or intangible losses due to the occurrence of legal or regulatory violations or wrongdoing as a result of such issues being overlooked despite having in place preventive countermeasures Legal and Compliance
(Logistics and Insurance Dept, Food Safety Management Office)