Environmental Management

Environmental Policy

In keeping with Kanematsu's Code of Conduct, the Company defines the following Environmental Policy.

  1. Basic management policy for the environment

    We conduct corporate activities with sufficient consideration given to maintaining a healthy global environment and aim for sustainable development.

  2. Compliance with environment-related laws and regulations

    In the activities of the Company, we comply with environment-related laws and regulations in Japan and abroad, as well as international rules and practices.

  3. Constant improvement of systems

    In order to make environmental activities more effective, we constantly improve our environment management systems.

  4. Attention to the development of a low-carbon society/recycling-oriented society

    Aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we promote energy conservation and make climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. We strive to realize sustainable patterns of resource use and to address natural resource depletion by proactively engaging in energy conservation, reduction of waste and reuse and recycling of resources.

  5. Attention to the environment in business activities

    We strive for environmental conservation and the prevention of environmental pollution and consider biodiversity and the conservation of natural ecosystems in our business activities.

  6. Establishment of the environmental management system of the Group

    We utilize the ISO 14001 environmental management system to establish an environmental management system for the Company and the Group, responding appropriately to environmental issues and working constantly on improvements.

  7. Publicity and disclosure of environmental policies

    We ensure that our executives, employees, and companies in the Group are well aware of our environmental policies, and we also disclose them to the general public through our website and the like.

Established in October, 2017

Environmental Initiatives

Kanematsu has established a basic management policy for the environment and strives to implement sustainable corporate activities with sufficient consideration for the maintenance of a healthy global environment. A healthy global environment is absolutely fundamental and the foundation on which sustainable economic activity can be realized. Based on this understanding, we have added environmental initiatives aimed at achieving the SDGs to our priority initiatives for the latter half of the medium-term vision and revised our key issues, identifying the new issue of Decarbonization Initiatives.

As the framework for environmental initiatives, we have built and are operating an environmental management system based on the international standard ISO 14001. In addition to the Tokyo Head Office, we have applied this environmental management system at the Osaka Branch, Nagoya Branch, and other domestic branches, and 10 Group companies have also obtained ISO 14001 certification. We are working to reduce electricity and paper consumption, reduce and effectively sort waste, reduce CO2 emissions, and build a recycling-oriented society.

The Kanematsu Group is advancing initiatives aimed at creating a virtuous cycle between the environment and the economy and taking new steps toward the realization of a sustainable society.

Environmental Promotion System

Environmental Management System

As of 1st April, 2023

The top management (President), appoints an environmental management manager, who takes responsibility for the operation and management of our environmental management system.
In addition, in order to ensure that the system is managed and operated, a group leader is assigned in each division, including the sales division.
The Sustainability Management Sec., Corporate Planning Dept. assists the environmental management manager and puts the operation and management of the environmental management system together across the company.
A total of approximately 60 group leaders representing all the groups take responsibility for operation and management in each division, furthering the environmental activities.

Environmental Management Organization Chart

Environmental Training Programs

We continuously conduct environment-related trainings and seminars every year to effectively operate the Environmental Management System and raise environmental awareness.

Programs Summary Target group
Training for the ISO 14001 environmental management system and internal environmental audits for beginners (e-learning) Based on the ISO 14001 international standard, to provide a method for environmental audits to obtain internal environmental auditor qualification. New promotion leaders
Seminar for internal environmental audits Review the ISO 14001 international standard and practice in advance to be able to conduct appropriate audits. All promotion leaders
All group leaders
Seminar for environmental laws and regulations Mainly to understand the basic knowledge of environmental laws, the latest trends in law, and regulations revisions. All promotion leaders
All group leaders
Other employees (if needed)

Environmental Targets

We have set environmental targets for the purpose of reducting greenhouse gas, establishing a low carbon society and recycling- oriented society and responding to resource conservation and resource depletion.

Environmental Target Summary
Promotion of environmentally friendly products and business in sales activities Promotion of environmentally friendly products and business in sales activities On the basis of the business plan of each fiscal year that clarifies the target and measures, the sales departments aim to expand handling volume of environmentally friendly products and the market.
Promotion of environmentally friendly office facilities and operations Continue digitalizing internal documents. We also use the confidential document dissolution process service so that improve the recycling rate.

Environmental Risk Management

  • In our company's sales activities and office activities, a variety of environment-related laws, regulations, and agreements adopted by our company are involved.
    By clarifying the requirements for each one, we perform and manage the evaluation of compliance according to the evaluation method for the compliance of each one. In addition, we verify the status of compliance in our internal environmental auditing.
  • We establish and perform the items to be implemented in education and training, and a test for emergencies.
  • Concerning external inquiries/requests/complaints regarding the environment that are received by each division or Sustainability Management Section (Corporate Planning Department), a collaborator, makes an in-house adjustment and the relevant division provides explanations and answers as much as possible.