The Kanematsu Group aims to take on social challenges based on a broad view of international society in order to create new markets and value. In this way we seek to contribute to the global environment, sustainable social development, and the growth of the Kanematsu Group.
Identification and Revision of Key Issues (Materiality)
In conjunction with the launch of our medium-term vision, "future 135," in 2018, we established five key issues (Materiality) that the Kanematsu Group needed to engage in through its business operations. This was in view of global trends such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), stakeholders' expectations, Kanematsu's philosophy, and the importance of those issues on our business. In response to the subsequent global increase in awareness of the importance of sustainability and ESG management, we changed the structure of our Sustainability Management Committee to include managers from the Marketing Area and discussed our current projects and future directions. This year, we have identified our new five key issues (Materiality).
Five Key Issues(revised on June 1, 2021)
Compliance Chart:

Building a Sustainable Supply Chain
We will respect the environment and human rights, communicate with diverse actors in society, and realize stable and sustainable procurement, supply, distribution, and services together with our partners and customers.
Decarbonization Initiatives
Aiming to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions, we will promote our clean fuel and renewable energy business to contribute to the mitigation of global warming.
Mutual Development with Local Communities
Through our global operations, we will support the lives of people around the globe, work on improving social infrastructure, and contribute to the sustainable growth and development of local communities.
Creating an Environment that Enables Diverse Work Styles
We will create a work environment that encourages each individual to leverage his or her unique talents and qualities, supporting diverse work styles. Furthermore, we will improve training programs to develop managers capable of creating and expanding businesses.
Enhancement of Governance and Compliance
We will maintain a robust supervisory system to prevent accidents and fraud and aim for a sustainable growth through transparent disclosure of information to stakeholders.
We are implementing sustainability initiatives based on five material issues.
The Process of Identifying Key Issues

materiality matrix

Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of international development goals from 2016 to 2030 under
the "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", which was adopted by the UN Sustainable Development Summit
held in September 2015.
SDGs are comprised of 17 goals and 169 targets that realize a sustainable world and include eradicating
poverty and famine, promoting the energy industry and technological innovation, and stemming climate change,
which UN member countries endeavor to achieve.
The Kanematsu Group will promote efforts to achieve SDGs through corporate activities, partly based on
Kanematsu's Code of Conduct.