The corporate principle of the Kanematsu Group is based on the founding purpose statement, written by the founder himself, which urges us to “reflect the pioneering spirit of our predecessors and wisely use creative imagination and ingenuity,” “fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen by building a sound and flourishing business,” and “act as representatives of the Company and adhere to its rules.” Furthermore, in accordance with the six standards of the Kanematsu Code of Conduct, we are striving to carry out corporate activities that serve our various stakeholders and promote sustainability by providing socially valuable products and services. In this way, we aim to enhance our corporate value and be highly regarded by all of our stakeholders including customers, business partners, shareholders, investors, local communities, employees, government branches, and public administrations.

Stakeholder | Way of Thinking | Main Dialog Methods |
Customers and Business Partners | We endeavor to improve customer satisfaction and garner customer trust through providing socially useful products and services in fair trading. | Integrated report, official website, central inquiry desk, quality control, and response in line with Kanematsu's Code of Conduct and CSR Action Guidelines for Supply Chains. |
Shareholders and Investors | We not only aim to strengthen stable earnings power and maintain sound financial standing, but also commit to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner in order to keep a high level of transparency. | Integrated report, official website, general meeting of shareholders, business report to shareholders and IR activities |
Local Communities | As good citizens, we are aware of the importance of social responsibility and strive to live close together with local communities and conduct social contribution activities. | Employee volunteer activities, support for economics and other studies through the Kanematsu Foundation for the Research of Foreign Trade, support for sports played by people with disabilities and acceptance of company visits |
Employees | We provide an environment that ensures each employee in the Kanematsu Group can work comfortably and find a sense of fulfilment, in addition to developing human resources with a unique personality. | In-house magazine, Kanematsu Group website, employee awareness survey, Hotline, dialog with labor unions, and seminars/training |
Government and Administrations | We not only comply with laws and regulations at home and abroad while fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes, but also propose and promote projects in coordination with governmental bodies and municipalities. | Activities through industrial associations, etc. and participation in councils, committees, etc. of government and municipal offices |