Policy and basic philosophy
Kanematsu formed the D&I Team (currently the DE&I Team*) in 2019 to actively take in the many differences scattered around the world. The team works to create a flexible organization that will continue to exist for the next 100 years, contribute to society as a global company and grow even larger and stronger, where everyone is treated fairly and properly and diverse talents are able to shine.
- The term “equity” was added in FY2024 and the name was changed to the DE&I Team.
Clickherefor DE&I indicators and targets.
DE&I to Leverage Diverse Individual Uniqueness
Initiatives by the DE&I Team
Kanematsu has formed a DE&I Team that is promoting respect for and acceptance of diverse values and ways of thinking in order to create environments that will make it easier for all employees to work and utilize their abilities. In addition to disseminating information companywide, we take initiative in holding events such as International Women’s Day, Pride Week to promote LGBTQ+ understanding, and Family Day, on which employees invite their family members to the office, to deepen employees understanding of diversity.
Support for Balancing Work and Childcare

Since 2020, Kanematsu has received “Platinum Kurumin” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This certification is granted to companies that are implementing particularly high-level initiatives to support their employees in balancing work and childcare. Aiming to enable employees to autonomously engage in their work and continue to fully participate professionally regardless of the ups and downs of life events, we are expanding our systems of shortened work hours for childcare, flextime, and discounts on babysitting services. Furthermore, in October 2022 we introduced a childcare leave system, “Hello Baby” leave, aimed promoting childcare in a more genderless way, and we are working to further improve conditions internally to support employees.
Clickherefor data on "Diversify work styles" including childcare support.
Women’s Participation and Advancement

In August 2022, Kanematsu received “Eruboshi” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. This certification is granted to companies that have implemented excellent efforts to promote women’s participation and advancement in the workplace. Kanematsu was certified as having attained the second of three levels (two stars), having met the certification standards in the four categories of “recruitment,” “length of continuous employment,” “working hours and work styles,” and “diverse career development paths.” Indeed, we have implemented systems that allow employees to choose from diverse career paths, including a system for rehiring employees who left the Company to accompany a spouse who was transferred to another location and a system that allows region specific employees to take manager or assistant manager positions.
General Employer Action Plan (Women's Participation and Advancement)
Duration | April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2027 |
Issues the Company Faces | Although Kanematsu hires a certain number of women every year, the percentages of women among all new graduate hires, employees in core operations, and employees in management positions are low. |
Targets |
Initiatives |
General Employer Action Plan (Raising the Next Generation)
Under our General Employer Action Plan, we are advancing initiatives to fully harness employee potential, with the principal aim of creating work environments that enable employees to work autonomously and continue to fully participate professionally regardless of the ups and downs of life events.
Diversity Hiring, Mid-Career Hiring
To create a new business portfolio that goes beyond merely iterating on our existing businesses, we believe that we will need to enter new markets with new products and customers that we cannot adequately approach with our existing internal knowledge and experience. We are therefore working to secure diverse human resources. We have been implementing local hiring practices at our overseas locations and group companies as part of our ongoing recruitment efforts. In our new graduate hiring, with an eye to recruiting students with diverse backgrounds from around the world, we are hiring women and international students graduating from Japanese universities based on KPI. In addition, we are expanding mid-career hiring to bring in knowledge and experience that differs from what we have internally
Talent Management
Kanematsu is promoting talent management to visualize our pool of human resources and shift away from personnel placements that are based on individual discretion. Through this effort, we are striving to centrally manage personnel information, such as each employee’s skills, experiences and qualities, in order to appropriately ascertain what sort of human resources we have in the company.
Transfer Experience
Taking advantage of the wide variety of businesses of the Kanematsu Group, we are deepening the diversity of our human resources’ knowledge and experience through internal transfers and personnel exchanges with Group companies and portfolio companies.
Hiring of People with Disabilities
Kanematsu has enshrined respect for human rights in its Code of Conduct and strives to create workplaces
where diverse human resources can work and thrive together. As part of these efforts, we proactively hire
people with disabilities. Taking into consideration the skills and experience of the individuals with
disabilities currently working at Kanematsu, we are creating environments that allow each individual to
utilize their abilities to the fullest.
Please click here for data on the portion of employees with disabilities.