Policy and basic philosophy
Human resources are a vital asset for Kanematsu.
We believe the promotion of employee health to be a vital element of company management in terms of "Creating an Environment that enables diverse work styles." The term is one of the 5 key issues (materiality) we need to address to achieve sustainable growth, maintaining an environment where employees from diverse backgrounds can leverage their skills and be themselves and facilitate employees' development.
Kanematsu Health & Productivity Management Declaration
Kanematsu believes that maintaining and improving employee health is a crucial management issue for achieving sustainable growth. Accordingly, to advance health & productivity management, we strive to do the following.
Health management:
We support employees’ individual efforts to proactively maintain and improve their health.
Work environment improvement:
We create workplaces that ensure employees can work without endangering their health and participate fully.
Continuous improvement:
We study, implement, confirm effectiveness, and take steps to improve measures related to health management and environmental improvement on a continuous basis.
Health & Productivity Management
Kanematsu is promoting health & productivity management based on a system lead by the President as the Health & Productivity Management Promotion Officer, followed by the Human Resources Department, the Kanematsu Health Insurance Society, and the Kanematsu Labor Union.
Furthermore, we have established a framework for reporting on health & productivity management initiatives to the Management Committee and the Board of Director, which supervises these efforts.

Health & Productivity Management Strategy Map
To put our Kanematsu health & productivity management declaration into practice, we have created a strategy map that organizes the management issues we want to solve through health & productivity management, the final target indicators, employee health and organizational issues, and the connections between specific initiatives.
Furthermore, we have established a framework for reporting on health & productivity management initiatives to the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.

Performance Data
To increase the productivity and vitality of employees, we are working toward an improvement in the figures of "Presenteeism", "Absenteeism", and "Work engagement" in the following performance data as final target indicators of health & productivity management.
Please click here for data on the performance Data
In accordance with the Health & Productivity management strategy map, we are promoting various initiatives related to " early detection and prevention of diseases," " improving lifestyle habits," "mental health," and " promoting diverse working styles”
Initiatives for Early Detection and Prevention of Diseases
Regular Medical and Dental Checkups
We provide regular medical checkup opportunities for all employees once a year. Kanematsu and Kanematsu Health Insurance Society are also working collaboratively toward the early detection and prevention of diseases through the following measures:
・Offering comprehensive medical examinations including tumor marker tests to employees age 30, 35 and older, with full costs subsidized.
・Offering breast and uterine cancer screenings to all female employees, with full costs subsidized.
・Offering dental checkups to all employees, with full costs subsidized.
Initiatives for Improving Lifestyle Habits
Implementation of Health Management System
Since March 2024, we have implemented a health management system that allows centralized management of health-related information such as lifelogs, medical examination data, stress checks, and attendance data through website and application. Employees can easily check their lifestyle habits (diet, exercise and sleep) and health issues at any time. Additionally, daily quizzes are provided to improve their health literacy. After six months of implementation, 50% of employees utilize the system. (Estimated investment amount: Approx. 1.8 million yen)
Events that support Lifestyle Improvement
We are promoting changing attitudes and behavior of employees through events such as “walking event”, “vegetable intake event” and “smoking cessation event”. In FY 2022, 183 employees participated in a companywide walking event, and the satisfaction rate was 97.5%. As a result, the percentage of employees who answered "I have a habit of walking for more than one hour a day" in the health check questionnaire increased from 43.0% in FY 2021 to 49.2% in FY 2022. However, the percentage of obese people (BMI of 25 or higher) has increased from 16.0% in FY2021 to 18.0% in FY2022. Therefore, we will strengthen our measures to improve the situation.
Initiatives for Mental Health
To promote the early detection and prevention of mental health problems, we implement annual stress checks for all employees. For employees with high levels of stress, we provide counseling with industrial physicians and conduct group analyses at the organizational level. We also distribute the handbook for all employees to raise awareness of the importance of mental health. As a result, the percentage of high-stress individuals in FY2024 was 8.8%, lower than the national average.
Initiatives for Diverse Working Styles
Women’s Health Support
From FY2021, we began holding seminars for all employees, regardless of gender, on the health issues unique to women. With this initiative, we hope to improve literacy concerning women’s health issues. In FY 2023, we held the Menopause seminar, in which 51 employees attended.
Anti-Harassment Measures
To combat harassment, we have set up an internal consultation hotline, distribute a handbook to raise awareness, and conduct harassment prevention training.
Healthcare, etc.
The Tokyo Head Office houses the Medical Center, which works to maintain and improve the health of our employees. Furthermore, the head office also has a massage room where employees can receive massages during working hours to refresh their minds and relieve shoulder and back pains that come from sitting at a desk for long hours.
External evaluations
Please click here to see external evaluations of our Health and Productivity Management.